Project Management ERP Dublin

ERP IT Consultant Ireland

Professional Management of ERP Integration Projects in Dublin

Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP refers to centralised integrated platforms supporting a wide range of functions and business operations such as supply chain management, financials, inventory management, accounting, logistics, human resources and others. ERP acts as a central hub for data and workflows providing seamless access to all the departments of a business. Businesses wanting to integrate their workflows and data with ERP software need professional support from experts to carry out the process smoothly.

BPF Consulting is the best choice for Project Management ERP Dublin to ensure effective and efficient implementation of ERP software for businesses. It organises the processes and functions of the business organisation to plan and deploy the ERP software as per the objectives and goals. The entire process of ERP implementation right from planning to going live is meticulously managed.

Business Consultant ERP Dublin

Project Planning

BPF Consulting provides tailored ERP implementation to satisfy the specific requirements of its clients. To this end, the project planning stage involves extensive consultations with the representatives of various departments covered by the proposed ERP system, senior management of the organisation and IT experts of the business tasked with in-house running of the ERP system.

The system requirements are thoroughly studied and analysed to understand the current issues and inefficiencies of the processes. Based on the studies, the project manager develops a detailed report pertaining to the requirements for the ERP system. Depending upon the requirements, the best ERP software is selected. Project plan also includes details of the timeframe for ERP implementation and the budget.

+353 (0) 1 8537 373
ERP Support Services Ireland

ERP System Designing

BPF Consulting designs the ERP system as per the current workflows of the business. The ERP software is customised if required to fulfil some unique requirements of the processes. New workflows are also designed if deemed necessary to derive maximum benefits from the ERP software.

The designing process is carried out in collaboration with the key personnel of various departments since they are the ultimate users of the ERP system and have complete understanding of the workflows connected to their departments.

Project Execution

Project execution is the actual implementation of the ERP system. BPF Consulting handles the execution phase with finesse. The ERP software is integrated with the workflows in accordance with the design and planning. Whether it is configuring or customising the ERP software or redesigning the processes, the various steps are carried out efficiently by the experts. Testing is carried out in a systematic manner. Specific features of the software are tested followed by complete system testing. The issues are rectified and retested till the system is perfect.

Going Live

BPF Consulting’s services for Project Management ERP Dublin includes both deployment and post-deployment support. The ERP system is deployed with either all the modules going live together or high priority modules followed by other modules in stages. Issues arising immediately after deployment are fixed swiftly and full assistance is provided to understand the system.

Post-deployment support is provided to make improvements based on feedbacks from the users or even adding newer features if required.


    • BPF Consulting adopts the best approach for ERP implementation projects to fulfil the business objectives of its clients. The company can be contacted on +353 (0) 1 8537 373 or
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