ERP IT Consultant Dublin

ERP IT Consultant Ireland

Best Rated ERP Consultancy for Businesses in Dublin

Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP was initially designed for large enterprises but it evolved over the years and today is being used by businesses of all sizes. This is a software system which automates various business processes and boosts efficiency. It also provides a centralised location for accurate data which facilities correct reporting. The modern ERP systems are customisable and adaptable which further improves productivity, efficiency, reporting and accuracy.

BPF Consulting is a highly experienced and popular ERP IT Consultant Dublin offering specialised consultancy for successful ERP implementations for all kinds of ERP systems such as industry-specific ERP, cloud-based ERP, on-premises ERP, hybrid ERP and small business ERP. Services are provided to integrate each and every type of ERP modules based on business needs along with testing and deployment support.

Business Consultant ERP Dublin

ERP Module Integration

ERP systems offer multiple types of modules with each module concerned with a specific business process. BPF Consulting helps businesses in selecting the most suitable ERP modules as per business needs and integrating the same with the existing technological infrastructure. Some of the common modules deployed have been discussed here.

Finance and Accounting Module is a basic ERP module required by businesses to efficiently manage and track the inflow and outflow of funds. This module automates various financial processes such as creating balance sheets, obtaining bank statements, tax management, generating payment receipts, making account ledgers and more. Financial reporting is also simplified by the module because any kind of financial data can be easily accessed.

Human Resources Module automates the process of tracking and managing employee information and records such as job descriptions, designations, skill matrix, performance reviews, attendance and more. Payroll management feature which automates the management of salaries and generating payment reports is also a part of this module.

Customer Relationship Management or CRM Module manages and tracks detailed customer information such as purchase details, communication history, contract duration and others. This module helps the customer relationship teams in providing better customer services and boost sales.

+353 (0) 1 8537 373
ERP Support Services Ireland

ERP Testing and Deployment

BPF Consulting ERP IT Consultant Dublin offers expert consultancy for testing the ERP system and final deployment. Testing is carried out to detect bugs and issues, and resolve the same before the software is rolled out for the users. Comprehensive consultancy is provided for all kinds of testing including functional testing to assess the individual modules of the ERP software, performance testing to assess the capability of the system to handle the expected volumes of users and transactions and integration testing to evaluate the level of communications between the ERP system and business applications.

Deployment support is provided to ensure that the ERP system goes live in a smooth manner. The expert consultants help in determining whether to deploy the modules concurrently or in a phased manner depending upon the system requirements and solve issues which may arise during the deployment process.


    • BPF Consulting has over a decade of experience in the field of ERP consultancy. Whatever may the industry, it brings world class expertise in ERP systems to the table. The company can be contacted on +353 18537 373.
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