ERP for Machinery Sales Dublin

ERP IT Consultant Ireland

End-to-End ERP Project Management for Companies in Ireland


Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP is a software system which delivers multiple benefits such as improved productivity and increased efficiency to the businesses by integrating multiple functions across departments, such as finance, human resources, manufacturing, sales and more. Apart from operational efficiency, ERP systems also prevent data duplication and provide a single source of data to all the departments of a business. Moreover, data intelligence capabilities of the ERP software helps in making informed business decisions.

BPF Consulting provides expert services to comprehensively manage ERP projects to businesses wanting to migrate from their legacy systems to ERP software. Whatever may be the operational requirements of the business organisations in their particular sectors or industries, such as ERP for Machinery Sales Dublin, this company fulfils their ERP requirements in a strategically planned and correctly phased manner.

ERP Project Planning

BPF Consulting develops a thorough ERP integration plan in consultations with the IT staff of the company, senior executives, potential users of the ERP system and other stakeholders. The scope of the project is determined to define the requirements of the ERP project. A detailed breakdown of the tasks and activities required for the project along with their timelines and deadlines is provided after requirements study and gap analysis.

The project planning also incorporates other details, such as setting up key performance indicators to measure the progress of the project, how to raise alerts and red flags when required, specifying a proper budget and the acceptance criteria to close the project.

Business Consultant ERP Dublin

ERP Designing


BPF Consulting develops the design for the new ERP system as per the system requirements determined during the planning stage. The current workflows and processes are analysed to detect the inefficiencies and the same are redesigned for proper integration with the ERP system. The need for customisation of the ERP software is also determined to align it more closely with the functions and processes.

For instance, the design services for ERP for Machinery Sales Dublin are based on a host of requirements and features, such as categorisation of the customers on the basis of industry or product, multi-tiered orders, sales territories, automated marketing and others.

+353 (0) 1 8537 373
ERP Support Services Ireland

ERP Development

BPF Consulting carries out the complex process of ERP development as per the design requirements. The ERP software is configured and customised to support the redesigned processes and also integrated with the existing business applications of the organisation. Data migration comprising of extraction, transformation and loading of data from various legacy systems into the ERP system is also carried out.

ERP Deployment

BPF Consulting helps in deploying the ERP system in a manner suitable for the business organisation. The ERP modules can either be deployed concurrently or one after the other in a phased manner. Post-deployment issues, if any, are immediately resolved by the expert team.



BPF Consulting is a specialist in ERP systems and can be trusted to take the correct approach for ERP implementation as per the ERP objectives of the business organisation. Its track record of 100% successful ERP implementation attests to this fact.

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